What It Says On The Label
2023–University of The Arts, London–London

'What It Says On The Label' reveals confidential information behind mundane products of the everyday. The labels underline these products' potential risks or impacts on the environment and our bodies. Product-like labels demonstrate the need for better education surrounding products and services.

Exploring the sheltered liabilities of products and services and how marketing has hidden them from us, the project aims to raise awareness of the importance of making informed decisions, encouraging the general population to educate themselves on what we buy and how we use these products. Lack of knowledge or awareness leads to Ill-informed, naive decisions and increases sales. The labels' museum-like composition reveals unexpected information about everyday items. The kind of information advertisements or companies glosses over...

︎︎︎  Graphic Design
︎︎︎  Signage
︎︎︎  Photography

︎︎︎  Design Team: Lydia Jayne Murray.